Arya Samaj in Mandir Chomu

The Arya Samaj relationships are most popular for their straightforwardness. Effortlessness is very clear in the way these are solemnized, with almost no of ceremonies being followed. Likewise, these are known to be without the allure and sparkle which is ordinarily connected with the Indian relationships. However, this straightforwardness doesn’t remove the appeal, satisfaction and joy of the occasion. Arya Samaj Mandir in Chomu can solemnize marriage in style with a little progressed planning.

You may be needed to take the consent of the Arya Samaj mandir, where the marriage is to happen, for orchestrating the improvements. More often than not, these authorizations are conceded with the condition that no harm will be done to the premises in any capacity. It may likewise be a necessity that the mandir be reestablished to its unique conditions by eliminating the improvements which you should set up or by cleaning the premises prior to leaving. The improvements should be possible with the straightforward and economical materials.

The basic blossom festoons can be utilized to brighten the entryways and window. The beaded and paper-based series of different shading blends can be utilized to enrich the outsides spaces. The Mandap, where the lady of the hour and the husband to be need to sit for playing out the customs, can be finished wonderfully with changed materials, for example, garments, blossoms, strings and others. The shaft staffs can be folded over with the beautiful dress and blossoms.

The wedding can convey a style proclamation via the various ensembles that are worn by the individuals who come to go to it. The Samaj accepts that the cash spent at all the gigantic weddings is a waste and that the equivalent can be shortened by and large to be utilized in more socially and financially gainful ways.

Arya Samaj Mandir in Chomu is an eminent spot/sanctuary for solemnizing relationships according to arya samaj marriage rules.


With its foundation on 7th April, 1875 by Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Arya Samaj has devotedly worked towards the betterment and development of healthy and peaceful society.Heeding our aim “KrinvantoVishwamAryam” as said in RigVeda that says Make all men Arya, we work towards building a cultured society.

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