Arya Samaj Mandir in Delhi

When you are looking for a marriage performed with all the sacred Hindu rituals, Arya Samaj Mandir in Delhi is best possible venue for your marriage nuptials.  Arya Samaj marriage in Delhi is taking place for a very long time much to the pleasure of people of many different religion and communities.The Arya Samaj marriage procedure in Delhi follows a rite known as ‘sanskara’ with many different components and chants that follows accordingly. The ritual that is defined for thousands of years is followed with blessings to the couple who are about to be tied in the holy ceremony. Our Arya Samaj Mandir believes in following the tradition with simplicity and without much of pomposity that are prevalent in today’s marriage ceremonies. We undertake any kind of marriages whether you want an inter-caste, inter-religion, court or love marriage. We accept every community and every religion who want to perform ceremonies under Vedic customs.

 Our Services include

  • Court Marriage & Marriage Registration: For having a court or registered marriage, a man and women does not have to undergo any ritual that are associated with traditional marriage ceremonies. Are you thinking about how to get your marriage registered in Delhi? Arya Samaj marriage registration in Delhi is performed under the legal procedure in a law court under Hindu Marriage Act 1955. With your time dependency, we perform the act within a single day under the supervision of our team and you can obtain the legal marriage certificate from court within same day or within a minimum possible time period.
  • Inter-caste & Inter-religion Marriage:Inthesemodern times, many families and couples have accepted the system of inter-caste and inter-religion marriage that were against the society measures before.We at Arya Samaj Mandir, undertake all types of marriages completed with the blessings and without any barrier of community and religion.
  • Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage: Appropriate for all communities and religions for Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jain, Arya Samaj is involved in performing the marriage ceremony under their complete acceptance. We believe in the complete acceptance and purity of the marital bond and undertake the rituals with whole-hearted devotion.
  • Love Marriage: Love marriages are the most trending and fashionable marriages in today’s society. Couples today are much eager to enter into the final bond of marriage with whom they love and want to spend their life with. Arya Samaj Mandir undertakes love marriages much to the pleasure of couples and their families.

Why should you choose our services?

  • Hindu marriage: All those who believe in the Hindu rituals, we are here for you to perform all the rituals and rites completed in a Vedic ceremony.
  • A Fast Service: All your marriage related formalities will be completed within a day without much of hassles, restoring your legal marriage certificate and all the proceedings in a standard amount of time.
  • A legal marriage registration: Our marriage registration service is completely legal under the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 with same day marriage certificate disposal.
  • Reasonable cost: We don’t believe in much extravaganza for a marriage ceremony. Our ritual is purely based and completedwith our belief over the matrimonial bond’s purity and sincerity.

With its foundation on 7th April, 1875 by Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Arya Samaj has devotedly worked towards the betterment and development of healthy and peaceful society.Heeding our aim “KrinvantoVishwamAryam” as said in RigVeda that says Make all men Arya, we work towards building a cultured society.

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