Arya Samaj Mandir in Lajpat Nagar

Today, individuals try to have dream weddings for themselves which incorporates enormous measure of cash and ostentatiousness. However, there are not many individuals that don’t have confidence in such expand events and are not inflexible and explicit about their ceremonies and customs for which Arya Samaj weddings in India is the most ideal alternative as these weddings are the least difficult type of Hindu wedding.

For the most part individuals that can’t bear the cost of a gigantic Indian marriage or are non-devotees to such firm ceremonies, lean toward an Arya Samaj wedding. The lady and the husband to be wear basic garments, for example, the lady is hung in wonderful saree alongside gold trimmings worn around her body parts. The adornments aren’t weighty and the lady isn’t over dressed. Lucky man then again, either wears a dhoti kurta or some other dress of his inclination.

The wedding is definitely not a 2-3 days issue; it is a short service that goes on for an hour and where the Vedic serenades that are presented are converted into basic language so it is surely known by the wedding couple. There are not many close family members that go to the wedding and become observers for the wedding.

The Arya Samaj mandir in Lajpat Nagar initiates with appearance of the husband to be in the wedding scene where Madhuparka custom is performed. In this custom the husband to be eats Madhuparka which is the combination of curd, nectar and cream.

The marriage customs are finished and several takes gifts from their older folks by contacting their feet and the lady of the hour goes out and begins living in her significant other’s home. Arya Samaj lady of the hour and husband to be reflect Indian weddings in its easiest and most perfect structure where one places the customs and Vedic mantras over the hullaballoo of wedding festivities.


With its foundation on 7th April, 1875 by Swami DayanandSaraswati, Arya Samaj has devotedly worked towards the betterment and development of healthy and peaceful society.Heeding our aim “KrinvantoVishwamAryam” as said in RigVeda that says Make all men Arya, we work towards building a cultured society.

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